Navy Veterans

Your loved one proudly served our country, and now he has mesothelioma.Veterans make up 30% of all reported diagnosed cases of mesothelioma, and your husband, father or brother is one of these cases.

According to a rough estimate, there are almost 25 million veterans in the US and a horrific majority of these was exposed to asbestos at some time or other during their services. A large portion of our veterans have been, or will be, diagnosed with asbestos related diseases in their lives.

Why are veterans at such risk?

Before we knew about the dangers of exposure, asbestos was commonly used by the military to build structures, equipment and weapons. This is because the fiber is an inexpensive insulator that is resistant to fire and chemicals. The most common use was in the construction of ships during World War II until the early 1980s. As a result, thousands of sailors and shipyard workers were exposed to asbestos and are now seeing the fatal affects. Other veterans who are at a higher risk because of the work they did include pipe fitters, demolition crew workers, building contractors and those who were members of the Air Force.

The veterans who are at the most risk of developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are those who served from the 1940 to the 1980s. But even if you served more recently, you may still be at risk because you may have been involved in the replacement of asbestos riddled equipment, a task that has taken the military several decades to do.

We can help you or your loved one get benefits and compensation

Did you know that there are many benefits for veterans suffering from asbestos related diseases, as well as for their families? In fact, The Veteran Association recognizes mesothelioma as a service-connected medical condition, which means you, your loved one and dependents can receive the assistance and financial compensation necessary to get the treatment and care deserved.

Making it easier for you

We are here to make the process of filing your claim with the VA easier, since it can be a lengthy and complicated task with a lot of paperwork to complete. To be eligible, you must have:

  • Honorable discharge from the military
  • Exposure to asbestos while you served

What you can receive

VA Disability Compensation: This is a monthly amount that is tax-free. The severity of your disability and number of dependents in your household are factors in determining how much you’ll get. Mesothelioma is always considered the most severe type of disability.

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC): This is for surviving spouses and dependents. The amount given is based on several factors, such as the time of death, the military pay grade of the deceased and their number of dependants.

An important note to veterans

Any veteran who knows that they have had exposure to asbestos should consult their doctor to make sure that they are asbestos disease free. They can request an image scan or other early screening tests. As a veteran suffering from a disease caused by asbestos, you may be able to receive health care at your regional Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Find out more by contacting the VA Health Benefits Service Center.

I got my settlement letter on Wednesday. It’s a day I honestly never actually thought I would see. I wanted to sincerely thank you and your team for all of your hard work and time. I think it’s also important that you hear how much your work not only made a financial difference for my family to catch up from all of the medical expenses, but more importantly, that we don't have to worry about our financial future with my husband being gone. — Jen D.