There have been thousands of mesothelioma lawsuits filed in the US, amounting to millions of dollars in compensation for victims. We have helped over 1,000 victims win compensation for their asbestos related condition, ensuring the experience and expertise required in dealing with your case.
Mesothelioma is a fatal disease and asbestos exposure is the only known cause. You may have developed this rare type of cancer while being exposed to asbestos at home, in your environment or, most probably, at work. The most common place where you may be exposed to asbestos is at work—particularly if it involved construction and heavy manufacturing. Generally speaking, men make up most of this industry’s workforce, which is why men are 5 to 1 more likely than women to develop mesothelioma. If you worked specifically with asbestos insulation, you are over 300 times more likely to develop mesothelioma!
Women can get mesothelioma, too, although historically it has been less common. Most cases in scientific literature involve women who had secondhand exposure to asbestos fibers that were brought home unknowingly by their husbands.
You can file a mesothelioma lawsuit
Your choice: individual or class action
You can pursue a lawsuit either individually, or as part of a group.
Individual lawsuit: Most victims affected by an asbestos-related disease pursue an individual lawsuit against the company that is responsible for causing their exposure. This is because it is rare for each victim to have the same disease, exposure or experience with another victim. In addition, an individual lawsuit allows your lawyer to give you more attention and focus.
Class action lawsuit: This involves representation for a group of plaintiffs. The interests of the group must be considered rather than individual interests. It is less common but may also be considered an option.
We have helped victims compile such a strong case against a company that it didn’t even go to trial. The companies didn’t want to cover the costs or resources in obtaining a trial verdict, because they didn’t want to risk anything unfavorable. As a result, a settlement was reached instead that pleased our clients. This can be a faster process than going to court.